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古典吉他手Javier de los Santos于1998年在萨卡特卡斯州的Autónoma萨卡特卡斯大学(UAMUAZ),在Francisco Javier Muro Guevara的指导下开始了他的正式音乐学习, México. In 2006, under the guidance of Mr. Eric vanDiver Nohe, 哈维尔在pp电子极速糖果获得吉他表演学士学位, Colorado. 哈维尔拥有丹佛大学拉蒙特音乐学院吉他演奏硕士学位,师从著名音乐大师里卡多·伊兹诺拉.

De los Santos曾在美国的msamuxico进行过广泛的演出.S., Spain and Brazil. 他最近的演出包括在瑞德威的谢尔比诺剧院的演出, Colorado, organized by the Ouray County Performing Arts Guild and the Sherbino Theater; with the Seraphic Fire Professional Choral Institute at the Aspen Music Festival and School at Harris Concert Hall in Aspen, Colorado; a solo concert at the Blue Sage Center for the Arts in Paonia, Colorado; and with the Apollo Chamber Players from Houston, 德州的GJSO室内音乐会系列. 他曾在格拉纳达的CSU La Guitarra Española学习和表演, Spain; has performed with Pepe Romero and the Romero's Guitar Quartet at the Celedonio Romero Guitar Institute in Oklahoma City; with Charlotte Mc Clain, harpsichord, 在玄武岩地区图书馆音乐会系列中演奏拨弦键琴和吉他作品,并与CMU的“三重奏旋律”合作,' composed of Mary Lindsey Bailey, DMA, on oboe and Jane Kuenzel, on flute, 在大枢纽交响乐团的“城堡室内音乐会”. He has performed also with Dr. Bailey at the 'Musica no Museo, 第七届里约风节在里约热内卢, Brazil; with the Grand junction Symphony Orchestra performing Antonio Vivaldi’s Guitar Concertos in D major and A major and the 'Fantasia para un gentil hombre' for guitar and orchestra by Spanish composer Joaquin Rodrigo; with CMU faculty members Darin Kamstra, DMA, (percussion) Arthur Houle, DMA, (piano) and Ron Waylon Jordan (bass), 演奏克劳德·博林的古典吉他协奏曲和爵士钢琴三重奏. De los Santos has performed for the Curiosity Project Retreats at Gateway Canyons Resort; held a recital at Brigham Young University in Utah, 并曾与博尔德交响乐团合作演出, 山谷交响乐团和CMU交响乐团演奏西班牙作曲家华金·罗德里戈的《pp电子极速糖果》. 他曾与Lisa Jacobson和Juanita Ulloa在格拉纳达的“Proyecto Cancion Espanola”工作, Spain and has performed at the Aspen Music Festival and School; the Bowdoin International Music Festival in Brunswick, Maine; at The Little Noon Music in Grand Junction, Colorado; and at the XV Semana Cultural de Zacatecas in Zacatecas, Mexico, 在赫雷斯的各种独奏会和表演, Zacatecas, Mexico.

Since the Fall 2015, de los Santos一直是阿斯彭音乐节和咆哮叉谷学校吉他项目的吉他指导老师. 他也是位于大枢纽的西部科罗拉多古典吉他协会的主席和艺术总监, Colorado. De los Santos住在Grand Junction,喜欢私人教授吉他,并在pp电子极速糖果教授音乐理论和吉他.

他还是独立学院特许学校的吉他教练,圣. 约瑟夫天主教堂和创始人和艺术总监的马里亚奇圣何塞总部设在大枢纽, Colorado. De los Santos是2009年丹佛古典吉他协会独奏首秀比赛的第一名得主,也是2010年德克萨斯州年度吉他比赛和音乐节的半决赛选手.

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