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There is a lot of uncertainty around artificial intelligence. 这个主题本身包含了一系列技术和应用程序,为不同的人做不同的事情. The overarching question remains: Does AI, generally, make human life better or worse? This article doesn’t answer that question nor does it attempt to. 它的作用是什么, 让我们一窥一些教师和学生如何利用这项革命性的技术,并重点介绍了pp电子极速糖果校园里与人工智能相关的一些对话.

杰弗里•辛顿, a revered cognitive psychologist 和 computer scientist, is widely referred to as the Godfather of Artificial Intelligence. 他率先提出了一种想法,即机器可以通过类似于大脑神经元的操作来交换信息. 他建立了一个数字神经网络,可以通过阅读互联网上的内容,分析对象和信息,随着时间的推移发现模式,并最终从这些模式中学习,从而自主学习. 几十年来,辛顿建立的网络已经变得更加复杂和主流. The technology is now found in tools people use every day, 比如面部识别解锁iphone, 垃圾邮件过滤器为未经请求的电子邮件, language translation services to communicate in foreign countries 和 virtual assistants that use voice comm和s; think ‘Hey Alexa, 玩 谣言 弗利特伍德麦克.’

While Hinton has since come out expressing concerns about the future of AI, 高等教育机构正在竞相寻找与当今不断发展的技术环境相关的解决方案. 他们会欣然接受人工智能带来的变革力量,还是会回避它? 卡内基梅隆大学, 在实验人工智能方面,许多教师和学生都很积极,并确定他们对人工智能的好处和它在大学环境中可以发挥的作用持谨慎乐观态度.

智能工具的支持者认为,它们有能力积极地重塑学生的学习方式, 教师的教学方式和, 在某些方面, 教育机构如何运作. By not only accepting but leveraging these technologies, 大学和学院可以提高学生的参与度和学习成绩,同时为学习者提供在人工智能驱动的世界中茁壮成长所需的技能和知识. CMU讲师 英语 Brooke Carlson, 博士学位, sees AI as another way to help people think, read, 研究 和 write.

“Anytime the question of technology arises we need to ask ourselves what purpose does it serve? 有效吗?? 这样合适吗?? 这有意义吗??卡尔森说.

他继续说, “(人工智能)为我们提供了一个很好的机会,让我们思考如何协作写作,并使用该技术输入提示,看看它为我们提供了什么样的材料,并在这些材料的基础上进行构建。.” 

根据Carlson的说法,像ChatGPT这样的应用程序提供了我们可以扩展的构建块. It’s a place to work collaboratively, 和 he’s offered up such assignments to his students. 

“我认为 the collaborative idea around writing is important. A lot of times students come to the idea of composition, 研究, 思考和写作是一种个性化的体验. 像这样的工具很有帮助。.

人工智能技术在高等教育中的渗透正在重新定义传统的教育实践,并释放出无数的好处. In some classrooms on CMU’s campus, those benefits can already be seen.

CMU大一新生Maritza Corral就是一个很好的例子. 出生于格伦伍德斯普林斯, 科罗拉多州, Corral moved to Mexico with her family when she was five years old. She was raised in Chihuahua until her senior year of high school. 为上大学做准备, 她和她的双胞胎妹妹搬回了美国, lived with extended family 和 enrolled at Rifle High School. Corral’s 英语 was limited to colors, numbers 和 making introductions at the time. She said it wasn’t until she attended CMU that she really began learning 英语. 在短短的几个月里, Corral was able to get a better underst和ing of her second language, 这要归功于一个新朋友:ChatGPT.

“The first time I heard about AI was because of my sister. She said it was funny, that it could write an essay about penguins 和 c和y,科拉尔说。. “她玩科技玩得很开心. 一开始我很害怕.”

在科拉尔和她姐姐谈话后不久, 这个话题进入了她的一间教室.

CMU传播学讲师劳伦娜·戴维斯, 博士学位, 向全班提交一份作业, 打开一扇通往神秘软件的大门,让学生们了解这个工具,以及如何高效、合乎道德地使用它. 

“I realized it’s not only helpful to write but also you can study using ChatGPT,” added Corral.

When she came across paragraphs in her textbook that were too complex for her to underst和, Corral会将它们复制到ChatGPT中,并要求它以最简单的形式用英语解释它们. 因为她给教授们写的邮件, she copied her first draft into the application 和 asked it to write the email more formally. 然后,她再自己编辑一遍.

Intelligent algorithms can not only evaluate email messages 和 textbooks, 但是作业, 论文, exams 和 mathematical equations; 和 can provide detailed feedback that contributes to a student’s educational growth. Does AI provide the opportunity to exp和 one’s knowledge far beyond what we can learn without it? 它是否有助于释放一个人更多的潜力? 可能.

“[The software] has been really helpful for me to improve my 英语 和 to do better. I’ve seen a lot of improvement 和 my grades are getting better since I started using it,科拉尔说。.

Corral explained that AI is not only helpful for those who are 英语 language learners, 但对于任何科目都很吃力的学生来说, 是生物学吗?, 数学或编程.

“英语很复杂。, 我想象, 即使对以英语为第一语言的人来说也是如此,科拉尔说。.

The majority of those who use AI generators are still in the experimentation process, 的助理教授 艺术,动画和数字电影制作 埃文·柯蒂斯. 在教室里, Curtis has given quite a bit of freedom to his students to explore generative AI art. 作为一名动画师和真人电影制作人, he also uses it outside of academia for idea generation, 概念美术和故事板. 虽然大部分技术对大众来说都是新的,但一些行业已经使用人工智能一段时间了. Think of Hollywood, said Curtis, 和 how it uses de-aging technology for actors in films like 《本杰明·巴顿奇案爱尔兰人的. It's also used to adjust actors' mouths for foreign-language dubbed movies.

在学习使用AI工具的过程中, 柯蒂斯一遍又一遍地完善他的提示,并对每一个创作的独特性感到惊讶. 他的想象力会在每次改编中向一个新的方向扭曲,产生他认为真正独特的东西.

“人工智能似乎没有风格, 它没有自己的审美, so most of the imagery is based on human prompts focused around that human's aesthetic decisions,柯蒂斯说。.

Intelligent algorithms work by taking in information, updating, remembering 和 predicting. 它被认为是原创内容,因为它从现有的文本和材料中吸取了教训,并提出了一些以前没有做过的事情. Which, Curtis argues, is similar to a human’s creative process. The idea is that the user is only limited by their imagination, 无论是工具-无论是油漆刷或提示.

CMU校园内与人工智能相关的大多数探索性工作都是由好奇心推动的,并本着人类的聪明才智精神完成的. 然而,, there are real concerns that exist with AI on college campuses, 比如保护学生隐私, questions around plagiarism 和 the future of the job market.

Curtis said he has no doubt that AI will change jobs 和 the l和scape of some companies.

“它将取代一些艺术家, 但不会破坏媒介, 领域或艺术家,柯蒂斯解释道。. “迪士尼不会因为‘即时工程师’而裁掉所有动画师和概念美术师,但他们可能会缩减部门规模. Regardless, humans will be collaborating 和 working with AI in many of these settings. 我认为 the more saturated we are in AI work; the more people will seek out human-made pieces.”


“这是一条捷径, 这个想法就是不劳而获, 一般来说, 这是一种糟糕的使用技术的方式,他说. “学术界对这项技术的问题是, 我认为, 难道我们的机构都没有准备好应对围绕着作者身份和所有权的问题而成倍增长的数字吗,卡尔森说.

雇佣足够多的人来解决与人工智能有关的剽窃指控将是极其困难的. Carlson said there is a need to be cautious about intelligence tools, 但他认为,高等教育机构的目的和使命应该是首要的.

“作为一所大学,我们在这里要做什么? Is the institution about incarcerations 和 punishment or is this an institution of higher ed? 我们是否投资于转型、成长、终身学习和技能,让世界变得更美好? 我认为我们对后者很感兴趣。.

Carlson hits on a critical component of the overall mission of higher education institutions. College campuses exist in large part to enhance communities 和 the people in them. 通过将人工智能融入课堂, 大学和学院可以创造适应学生需求的动态学习环境, foster innovation 和 equip graduates with the skills needed for the rapidly changing job market.

随着欣顿的进步不断发展, so will the debate around who should use the technology, 它应该如何使用,使用到什么程度. For members of the CMU community, the marriage of AI 和 education holds immense promise. By enabling personalized learning opportunities like that of Corral’s, 机构可以改善教育体验,并有可能以一种适合他们的方式加强学生学习和记忆信息的能力. CMU的教职员工在人们很容易回避机器学习领域的时候,勇敢地拥抱了这一领域. 他们已经被证明是一个大胆的新世界的探险家,以确保学生能够成功地驾驭大学毕业后的生活, 因此, 他们很好地完成了使命. 


凯尔西·科尔曼(Kelsey Coleman)撰写